The pull of the heart, it stretches in all directions

The pull of the heart, how do you prioritize Love?

The pull of the heart in some cases cause death; for the pull becomes so real a physical heart explodes in the chest

The pull of Love, it can pull you up or down

The pull of love will make you wonder which way is the ground, but have you considering even if you want to leave cloud nine.

The pull of Love has caused some to be beaten beyond recognition, they try to pull away but so called Love pulls them back in

The pull of Love causes you to gamble away a paycheck knowing seven hungry babies are at home

Head held low, heart hangs heavy, yet it’s the pull of Love that makes your feet steady to face a disappointed family

The Love you may find in these stories are depressing

I believe the meaning of Love in such cases have been confused, misunderstood or never knew

For Pure Love knows no boundaries

It’s Pure Love that welcomes your imperfections because true Love knows that’s what makes you perfect

Love weathers all things, yea the seasons may change

Thunder, lightning and winds may howl

Yet Pure Love is not the author of these things yet the shelter from the storm

When you feel like the world has your back and will do anything to see you succeed

I think at that point we will discover the Truth in Love

Being pulled by its vortex

The pull of Love.

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